Published on January 21, 2022
Health and well-being matters! Plan for Vacation Day - Tuesday, Jan. 25th
Ah, that feeling of vacation bliss—when you can truly unwind, unplug and relax. For so many of us, that feeling seems like a distant memory. The pandemic has caused us to largely put vacation planning on the back burner, despite the fact that close to eight in 10 (79%) Americans believe vacations are important to their overall health and well-being (Destination Analysts).
Chances are you’ve been carrying a heavy load. Break free from burnout and this National Plan for Vacation Day, let’s do something to give ourselves a lift—ignite that spark we get from the “booking confirmation” page. On January 25, let’s take time to plan all of our time off for the year at the start of the year. And if you need some inspiration, check out for a few ideas, including:
Happy planning from the Merriam Visitors Bureau!